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Trump’s Crypto Wallet and NFT Revenue Revealed in New Disclosure

Trump’s Crypto Wallet and NFT Revenue Revealed in New Disclosure
  • Former President Donald Trump discloses earnings from his involvement in NFTs.
  • Trump’s NFT firm has a crypto wallet containing between $250,000 and $500,000.
  • The financial disclosure also unveils Trump’s significant income from property sales.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump recently revealed intriguing details about his NFT involvement in a revised financial disclosure form submitted to the Office of Government Ethics, bearing details of $1 billion in earnings.

In the filing, Trump disclosed his ownership of CIC Digital LLC, which acquires licensing payments for utilizing Trump’s persona on nonfungible tokens (NFTs). According to Bloomberg, the company boasts a crypto wallet holding a substantial value of somewhere between $250,000 to $500,000.

This disclosure highlights Trump’s entrance into the NFT market, showcasing the former president’s interest in leveraging his image and brand in the digital asset space. It is worth mentioning that Trump has two series of NFTs trading on the market, with the price of the original collection plummeting by over 60% following the unveiling of the second.

Meanwhile, Trump’s media ventures included his ownership stake in Trump Media and Technology Group, valuing it between $5 million and $25 million.

The disclosure shed light on the group’s revenue streams, which included over $1 million in advertising revenue from a conservative live-streaming site. Furthermore, Trump reported receiving $12.6 million in payments for speaking engagements, including $1.4 million earned from a live tour with an American journalist.

The disclosures provide insight into Trump’s evolving financial pursuits, which also included a significant income of $284.5 million from the sale of his Washington hotel, as well a management income of over $1 million from his Dubai golf course.

Source: Coinedition

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