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Top 20 AI Influencers to Follow in 2023

Top AI Influencers in 2023

AI Influencers play a key role in the swiftly progressing domain of AI/ML. The field is transforming multiple industries, altering how we live and work, and posing fresh ethical and practical challenges. Consequently, the insights offered by these AI influencers become all the more vital.

Top AI Influencers in 2023

These individuals lead the way with their insights, research, and contributions to the field. AI enthusiasts include academics, professionals, and advocates, all offering unique views. This article spotlights 2023’s ‘Top AI Influencers.’ They’ve greatly advanced the AI world. Their insights will shape the AI landscape in future years.

1. Sam Altman

Sam Altman


Sam Altman is one of the most influential figures in the world of technology and entrepreneurship. His contributions to various sectors – as an entrepreneur, investor, and programmer – have fundamentally reshaped the industry’s landscape. Altman’s innovative skills and keen business sense have earned him respect from peers and followers. Nowadays he is one of the strongest AI Influencer and CEO of OpenAI.

In the nascent years of his professional life, Altman co-founded Loopt, a location-based social networking mobile app. Launched in 2006, Loopt quickly became a popular platform due to its novel integration of GPS and social networking features. This venture gave Altman early recognition in Silicon Valley and provided a stepping stone for his future endeavors.

After Loopt was sold to Green Dot Corporation in 2012, Altman began a new chapter in his career as the president of Y Combinator, the most prestigious startup accelerator in the world. Under Altman, Y Combinator solidified its industry titan status, fostering innovative startups that became well-known. His tenure at Y Combinator was marked by an unwavering commitment to fostering entrepreneurial talent and promoting technological advancements.

Altman’s time at Reddit, although brief, was significant. As CEO, he led initiatives to improve the platform’s user experience and engagement. This shows his drive to use technology for better communication.

Currently, Sam Altman is leading OpenAI as its CEO. OpenAI, known for AI advancements, fits Altman’s vision for boundary-pushing technology. Under him, OpenAI explores new AI areas, aiming to make AGI benefit all.

2. Andrew Ng

Andrew Ng


Ng co-founded Coursera, an online learning platform that has democratized access to high-quality education globally. He often tweets about new ML and AI initiatives on Coursera, keeping followers updated on the latest learning chances. Ng’s commitment to online education has transformed how people learn, breaking geographical barriers, and enabling flexible, personalized learning.

Before embarking on his journey with Coursera, Ng served as the Chairman of Baidu AI Group, where he spearheaded critical AI projects. His leadership in this role has contributed significantly to Baidu’s status as a global leader in AI. Ng’s insights and innovations have been instrumental in leveraging AI technologies to solve complex problems and create value.

Ng often joins business group meetings and workshops, sharing AI and ML insights. His participation shows his dedication to collaboration and knowledge sharing in AI.

Ng’s research has made substantial contributions to AI, ML, and robotics. He has published or co-authored over 200 scientific articles. His work guides these fields and leads to new discoveries. His research has transformed countless lives, highlighting the potential of AI and ML to drive progress and innovation.

3. Kirk Borne

Kirk Borne


Kirk Borne is a preeminent figure in the global data science community, renowned for his profound influence in the fields of Data Science, Astrophysics, Machine Learning, Data Mining, and Space Science. With a follower count exceeding 274,000, Borne has earned his reputation as a leading voice in the digital world, demonstrating a unique capacity to illuminate complex concepts and inspire a broad audience.

Since 2013, Borne is recognized as a top global influencer and a must-follow on Twitter. His large digital footprint shows his ability to convey complex scientific concepts.

Currently serving as a Data Scientist at DataPrime, Inc., Borne brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to his role. His vast expertise spans from data science, machine learning, data mining, and big data to more niche areas like X-Informatics and observational astronomy.

Borne is also the founder of the Data Leadership Group, an initiative that aims to bridge the gap between data science theory and practice, fostering data-driven leadership and encouraging innovation. His influence in AI, IoT, and Machine Learning is global, highlighting his guidance in the digital transformation era.

4. Ronald van Loon

Ronald van Loon


With over 240,000 followers drawn to his insightful commentary, Ronald van Loon stands as a powerful voice in the expansive realm of technology. Renowned for his thought leadership and advocacy in advanced education, van Loon specializes in various high-tech domains, including Big Data, IoT, AI, Machine Learning, 5G, Deep Learning, Predictive Analytics, Cloud, Edge Computing, and Data Science.

Van Loon’s reputation is built on a foundation of deep expertise and a commitment to empowering others through knowledge. His dedication made him a recognized influencer worldwide. Prestigious institutions name him a Top 10 Global AI Influencer and Thought Leader. His views, shared through multiple channels, shape tech discussions, reflecting his global influence.

Van Loon, an education advocate, promotes deep tech field understanding. He highlights AI, Machine Learning, and 5G’s transformative potential, advocating for widespread literacy.

Beyond individual technologies, van Loon stresses the significance of integrated systems and end-to-end understanding. His focus on big data, predictive analytics, and data science shows his respect for data-driven decisions and strategy. Simultaneously, his interest in edge computing and cloud technologies highlights his foresight on how we manage and process this information.

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5. Erik Brynjolfsson

Erik Brynjolfsson


One of the most popular AI Influencer, Erik Brynjolfsson stands as a prominent figure in the digital economy and machine learning landscapes. His blend of academic excellence, research expertise, and remarkable communication skills have positioned him as a leading voice in the tech industry.

Brynjolfsson is the director of the Stanford Digital Economy Lab, a pioneering research center dedicated to understanding and enhancing the economy through digital technologies. The lab studies economic implications of digital transformation. Brynjolfsson’s leadership guides the mission to inform economic policies and business strategies in the digital age.

In addition to his directorial role, Brynjolfsson serves as a professor at Stanford University. His pedagogical contributions span various aspects of the digital economy, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. His profound knowledge and infectious enthusiasm for these subjects have nurtured a generation of students who are equipped to drive innovation in the digital world.

Brynjolfsson is also an accomplished author, particularly known for his contributions to the literature on machine learning. His books distill complex concepts into accessible insights, bridging the gap between academia and the wider public. They are valuable resources for anyone keen to understand the evolving landscapes of digital economy and machine learning, from industry professionals and policymakers to students and technology enthusiasts.

6. Dr. Sally Eaves

Dr. Sally Eaves


A force to be reckoned with, Dr. Sally Eaves has carved out a unique niche at the crossroads of innovation, technology, and education. She is highly regarded for her work as a professor, entrepreneur, and advocate for sustainable education systems.

As an academic, Dr. Eaves brings a rigorous and analytical perspective to her work. She is known for her extensive knowledge and expertise in a host of modern technological domains, including AI, Cloud Computing, the Internet of Things. Her ability to articulate and demystify complex technological concepts for a wide range of audiences has been a key factor in her rising influence.

In addition to her academic pursuits, Dr. Eaves is also an accomplished entrepreneur. She runs several businesses that are focused on AI, Cloud, IoT, and AI Influence. Through her entrepreneurial endeavors, Dr. Eaves continually pushes the envelope of technological innovation, demonstrating the transformative power of these technologies in reshaping industries and creating new business opportunities.

7. Nicolas Babin

Nicolas Babin


Nicolas Babin, a dynamic force in the digital realm, commands an impressive following of over 113,000 on his Twitter account. Recognized as one of the top social media influencers and a Key Opinion Leader (KOL), Babin has a profound influence on discussions about key technology trends and developments.

Babin’s proficiency lies in his broad and deep understanding of a variety of technologies. He is especially known for his insights on AI, 5G, digital transformation, e-health, and sustainability. His thoughts on these subjects, often shared through Twitter, have cemented his status as a go-to resource for those interested in the intersection of technology and society.

In addition to his role as a social media influencer, Babin is a respected technology consultant. He provides expert guidance to companies navigating the complexities of implementing and leveraging new technologies. With his experience and knowledge, he helps organizations understand how to utilize technology to its fullest potential, ensuring that they are well-positioned to thrive in an increasingly digital world.

8. Harold Sinnott

Harold Sinnott


With over 106,000 Twitter followers, Harold Sinnott is a highly sought-after AI influencer in digital transformation, emerging technologies, and business intelligence. His insightful views, shared via social media platforms, and his impactful work as a consultant and talent developer have earned him a top ranking among technology influencers globally.

Sinnott excels as a social media and digital marketing consultant, leveraging his deep understanding of AI, 5G, IoT, and automation to guide organizations through their digital transformation journeys. His insights have been invaluable to business leaders looking to deliver value transformation and adapt to the digital economy.

Notably, Sinnott’s experience extends beyond digital marketing and technology consulting. His background in Human Resource Management allows him to develop talent effectively, preparing business leaders for the rapid technological changes reshaping the corporate landscape. His expertise has been recognized by some of the world’s most successful companies, including Citigroup, DHL, Motorola, and Johnson & Johnson.

Sinnott’s influence is further enhanced by his contributions to B2B tech brands such as Intel, Siemens, Cisco, Ericsson, Lenovo, and Hewlett Packard Enterprise. His work in the domains of mobility, cloud, 5G, automation, RPA, IoT, AI, AR, VR, Big Data, infrastructure, and CyberSecurity underscores his broad and deep knowledge of the technology sector.

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9. Marcus Borba

Marcus Borba


Marcus Borba, with a Twitter following of over 40,000, stands out among the top global thought leaders and influencers in the spheres of AI, Machine Learning, Data Science, Big Data Analytics, and IoT. His digital transformation expertise and insightful tweets have made him a go-to resource for trends and insights in these domains.

Borba’s deep understanding of AI, Machine Learning, and Big Data Analytics is exemplified through his engaging and insightful tweets. He shares content on machine learning books, deep learning news, and novel ideas to address contemporary machine learning challenges. His tweets reflect his advanced knowledge and trend analysis skills, making him a trusted voice in the community.

As an AI influencer, Borba does more than merely keep pace with the rapidly evolving technological landscape. He helps shape discussions, offering his unique perspective on the complex world of AI and machine learning. He bridges the gap between complex tech concepts and practical business applications, making the latest developments widely accessible.

Notably, Borba’s expertise extends to the sphere of digital transformation. As businesses worldwide grapple with the challenges and opportunities presented by digitalization, Borba’s advice and guidance have become increasingly valuable. He provides strategies to leverage new technologies, evolve business processes, and stay competitive in a digital world.

10. Catherine Adenle

Catherine Adenle


Catherine Adenle, a tech enthusiast and Certified Change Management Professional, has over 42,000 Twitter followers. She has garnered significant attention through her informative tweets on AI, ML, Data, and Cybersecurity. Additionally, her insights on career development, motivational content, and advocacy for diversity in the workplace further enhance her influential profile.

Adenle’s tweets on AI, ML, Data, and Cybersecurity underscore her deep understanding and interest in these areas. Her skill in highlighting key tech developments and trends in an accessible way makes her a trusted community voice. She intuitively selects and shares content resonating with her audience, covering technical analyses to industry trends as an AI Influencer.

Her influence goes beyond the realm of technology. As a Certified Change Management Professional, Adenle shares career advice, aiding followers through professional challenges and transitions. Her motivational content, combined with practical advice, serves as an inspiring guide for professionals at all stages of their career.

A distinct aspect of Adenle’s online presence is her strong advocacy for diversity in the workplace. She advocates for inclusive, diverse work environments, emphasizing different perspectives and experiences as drivers of innovation and success. Her commitment to promoting diversity sets her apart and adds a unique dimension to her influence.

11. Vinod Sharma

Vinod Sharma


Vinod Sharma is a leading figure in the fields of digital transformation, FinTech, Machine Learning, Data Science, and Big Data Analytics and, of course, AI Influencer. As a FinTech CTO and Digital Transformation Leader, Sharma brings knowledge, experience, and influence to the tech and finance world.

He is responsible for guiding technical strategy, overseeing technological developments, and driving innovation in the financial sector. His FinTech influence comes from his ability to identify and use technologies enhancing financial services and products.

As a Digital Transformation Leader, Sharma guides businesses in adopting digital technologies into all business areas. His expertise is especially critical for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that are navigating their way through the digital revolution. He uses Machine Learning, Data Science, and Big Data Analytics to help SMEs improve operations, make decisions, and gain a competitive edge.

In addition to his roles as a CTO and Digital Transformation Leader, Sharma is a passionate researcher. His work investigates how advanced technology can address current challenges and drive business growth, particularly within SMEs. His research and experience fuel his tweets that explore new ideas and developments in tech and finance.

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12. Helen Yu

Helen Yu


Helen Yu, with over 55,000 Twitter followers, is a recognized Chief Experience Officer and a respected voice in the realms of user experience and digital transformation. Her emphasis on creating human-centric technology and her insights on AI, Blockchain, Marketing, Influence and Cyber Security have made her a sought-after influencer in the tech community.

Yu’s role as a Chief Experience Officer showcases her commitment to improving user experiences in digital transformation campaigns. She integrates human-centric design principles and practices into technology development processes, ensuring that digital transformations are not just technologically sound but also deliver meaningful and enjoyable experiences to end-users.

Her innovative approach to user experience is evident in her research, which focuses on the development of human-centric technology. Yu’s research explores how technology can be designed to be intuitive, accessible, and beneficial for the individuals and communities it serves, echoing her belief that technology should be a tool that enhances human capability rather than a challenge to overcome.

On Twitter, Yu shares insights and news on a wide array of topics, including AI, Blockchain, Marketing, IoT, and Cyber Security. Her tweets reflect her depth of knowledge and her ability to stay abreast of the rapidly changing tech landscape. Her followers appreciate her ability to distill complex information into easily understandable insights, making her a trusted source of information in the tech community.

Giuliano Liguori

Giuliano Liguori


Giuliano Liguori, who commands a substantial Twitter following of over 53,000, is a distinguished Digital Transformation Leader and AI Influencer. He is well-recognized for his insightful tweets on Thought Leadership, Fractional Executive Services, deep learning, and the latest advancements in AI, which have earned him a respected position in the tech community.

Liguori’s role as a Digital Transformation Leader is marked by his astute ability to help businesses adapt to and leverage digital technologies. He oversees the implementation of digital solutions, manages the transformation process, and ensures that these innovations align with the company’s strategic objectives. His extensive experience and robust understanding of the digital landscape equip him to guide businesses through the challenges and opportunities of the digital age.

As an Innovation Manager, Liguori leads the exploration and use of new technologies, helping organizations stay industry trend leaders. His forward-thinking approach and keen eye for innovation make him an instrumental figure in driving technological advancement within companies.

Liguori tweets insights on Thought Leadership and Fractional Executive Services, where executives serve multiple businesses part-time or on contract. He shows clear understanding of modern business models, offering insights on how they can shape future work.

13. Amitav Bhattacharjee

Amitav Bhattacharjee


Amitav Bhattacharjee, with a following of over 35,000 on Twitter, is a notable tech influencer and CEO of Tech Asia Lab. He is a prominent voice in STEM, community engagement, and technology, earning respect from global Community and Tech Leaders.

As Tech Asia Lab’s CEO, Bhattacharjee leads technological innovation, driving growth and breakthrough strategies. Leading Tech Asia Lab shows his commitment to connecting people and technology, pushing limits, and delivering transformative tech solutions.

Bhattacharjee’s tweets cover a broad spectrum of topics within STEM fields. He shares valuable insights, latest research, emerging trends, and much more. His knack for simplifying complex tech concepts has helped him gather a large, engaged Twitter audience.

In addition to his STEM-related content, Bhattacharjee is known for his tweets on Global Tech Trends and Technological Advances. He consistently spotlights the most significant developments in the tech world, keeping his followers updated on the industry’s pulse. This includes spotlighting trends’ impacts and implications, making his Twitter a valuable information source for tech enthusiasts and professionals.

14. Lucian Fogoros

Lucian Fogoros


Lucian Fogoros, followed by over 29,000 on Twitter, is a recognized expert in Industrial IoT, ICS, and Cybersecurity. His insightful tweets about AR, AI, IoT, and influence make him a reliable source of information in the tech community. Fogoros is also a dedicated advocate of digitalization and machine learning, underscoring his forward-thinking perspective on technology’s role in society.

Fogoros’ expertise in Industrial IoT is apparent in his work, particularly through his co-founded platform, IIoT World. The platform features industrial IoT applications and resources. Under Fogoros, IIoT World became a trusted platform for industrial IoT knowledge, exploring the latest trends.

In the sphere of Cybersecurity, Fogoros brings a wealth of knowledge and experience. He regularly shares security updates, best practices, and cybersecurity insights. This helps followers stay informed and safe in a digital world.

In addition to these topics, Fogoros is a committed advocate for digitalization and machine learning. His tweets and work show his belief in technology’s transformative power. He often highlights their potential in sectors like manufacturing and healthcare.

15. Yann LeCun

Yann LeCun


Yann LeCun, followed by over 549,200 Twitter users, is an influential figure in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). As Facebook’s Chief AI Scientist and AI Influencer, his contributions have shaped the landscape of AI research and development.

At Facebook, LeCun plays a crucial role in advancing the company’s AI initiatives. He guides AI development at Facebook, shaping user-digital content interaction. His role in this major tech company places him at the forefront of AI application.

LeCun’s position at New York University allows him to share his wealth of knowledge with the next generation of AI researchers and practitioners. He educates students on AI’s core principles and the latest developments, instilling in them the skills and understanding needed to push the field forward.

On Twitter, LeCun shares his rational scientific opinions on AI, delving into complex topics and sparking thoughtful discussions. His tweets provide a fascinating glimpse into the mind of an AI pioneer, revealing his perspectives on current research, ethical considerations, and AI’s potential future.

16. Terence Leung

Terence Leung


Terence Leung is a distinguished figure in the world of product marketing and supply chain management. His extensive expertise and fresh perspectives have cemented his position as one of the top 100 Global Thought-Leaders. He is particularly well-known for his insightful commentary on autonomous supply chains and his advocacy for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and value engineering.

Leung’s approach to product marketing is characterized by a deep understanding of market dynamics and a relentless focus on customer needs. His keen eye for emerging trends and opportunities makes him a valuable voice in the product marketing sphere, offering strategic insights that businesses can leverage to propel growth.

On the topic of autonomous supply chains, Leung is among the top commentators, frequently writing about the benefits of automating and digitizing supply chain processes. His tweets and writings paint a compelling picture of how supply chains can become more efficient, responsive, and resilient, ultimately leading to better business outcomes.

Moreover, Leung is an active AI Influencer for digital transformation and the integration of AI in business processes. He believes that harnessing the power of these technologies is crucial for businesses to stay competitive in today’s rapidly changing market landscape. Through his tweets, he elucidates the potential of AI and digitalization in revolutionizing various aspects of business operations, including supply chain management.

17. Sourabh Singh Katoch

Sourabh Singh Katoch


Sourabh Singh Katoch, followed by over 19,000 users on Twitter, is a multifaceted professional whose expertise spans data science, machine learning engineering, education, and open source advocacy. He leverages this diverse knowledge base to provide insights into AI research, Data Science, Python Programming, and Development, establishing himself as a respected voice in these fields.

As a data scientist, Katoch uses his analytical acumen to uncover insights from complex datasets and drive data-informed decision making. His understanding of advanced statistical techniques and data mining tools, combined with his ability to communicate complex findings clearly, make him an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to leverage data for business or research purposes.

Katoch’s role as a machine learning engineer showcases his technical prowess and forward-thinking mindset. He utilizes machine learning algorithms and AI tools to create predictive models, automate data processes, and generate innovative solutions to complex problems. His tweets often contain updates and insights into the machine learning field, including recent developments, trending topics, and practical applications of machine learning techniques.

As an educator, Katoch shares his knowledge and passion for data science and machine learning with others. He encourages continuous learning and skill development in these rapidly evolving fields, guiding others on their journey to becoming data science professionals.

18. Wilhelm Bielert

Wilhelm Bielert


Wilhelm Bielert, followed by over 12,000 Twitter users, is a renowned figure in the fields of digital transformation and communications and AI Influencer. His extensive experience and innovative strategies have seen him lead critical initiatives for various prominent brands and retailers, all aimed at deploying digital communications and catalyzing transformation.

Bielert’s work with large mobile network operators like Deutsche Telekom and E-Plus showcases his prowess in creating influential media channels. He has leveraged his deep understanding of telecommunications, digital trends, and customer needs to develop platforms that facilitate seamless communications and offer unique value to users. His leadership has helped these companies maintain their competitive edge and foster meaningful connections with their audiences.

In recent years, Bielert has focused on driving digital transformation initiatives. He recognizes the immense potential of digital technologies in reshaping business operations, enhancing customer experiences, and promoting sustainable growth. He has successfully steered numerous organizations towards harnessing the power of digital tools and methodologies, fostering a culture of innovation and adaptation.

On Twitter, Bielert frequently shares his thoughts on industrial IoT, AI, and other digital technologies like an AI Influencer. He provides insights into their evolving trends, applications, and impact on industries. His tweets reflect a holistic understanding of the digital landscape and offer a forward-thinking perspective on the future of technology.

19. YueLi-HSR



YueLi-HSR is an academic figure in health services research, serving as both a professor and director of graduate and postgraduate programs at the University of Rochester. His rigorous research focuses on Medicare reforms in long-term care and the use of advanced technology in health services, offering thought-provoking perspectives on these critical areas of public health.

A significant aspect of YueLi-HSR’s research involves the study of Medicare reforms in long-term care. He delves into the complexities of these reforms, assessing their implications on long-term care services and the people who rely on them. His contributions offer valuable insights for policymakers, health care providers, and other stakeholders engaged in long-term care.

In addition to his research in health services, YueLi-HSR also explores the intersection of healthcare and technology. He is particularly interested in E-Health, AI, machine learning, natural language processing, and Data Science. His tweets offer a glimpse into his work in these areas, sharing findings, industry updates, and observations that demonstrate the potential of these technologies to transform health services.


As we navigate the complex and exciting terrain of artificial intelligence, these influential figures provide valuable guidance and insights. They represent a broad spectrum of expertise, from academic research to industry application, and from thought leadership to educational initiatives.

The ‘Top AI Influencers in 2023’ highlighted in this article not only drive the AI conversation but also shape its future through their pioneering work and innovative thinking. Their influence extends beyond their substantial social media following; their impact is seen in the groundbreaking research, the innovative products, the policies they influence, and the next generation of AI enthusiasts they inspire.

As AI continues to evolve and permeate every facet of our lives, their voices will remain critical in leading the way and illuminating the path forward. Follow these influencers to stay at the forefront of AI development and to understand the transformative potential of this powerful technology.


The list of top AI influencers includes individuals like Andrew Ng, Yann LeCun, Erik Brynjolfsson, Sam Altman, Kirk Borne, Ronald van Loon, among others. Their contributions to AI and machine learning have significantly influenced these fields.

These influencers are at the forefront of AI technology and research. Following them allows you to stay updated on the latest advancements, understand complex AI concepts, learn about new tools and techniques, and gain insights into the future of AI.

AI influencers contribute by conducting advanced research, publishing academic papers, writing books, speaking at conferences, running companies at the forefront of AI technology, teaching and mentoring the next generation of AI experts, and advocating for responsible and ethical use of AI.

Most of these influencers have a strong online presence. You can follow them on various social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and others. Some of them also have personal blogs, podcasts, or YouTube channels.

Yes, many AI influencers regularly engage with their followers through social media. They often share insights, answer queries, and participate in online discussions related to AI and machine learning. However, due to their busy schedules and large follower base, they may not be able to respond to every individual message.

Source: mPost

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