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Top 10 AI Recruiting Tools in 2023: Free Assessment Software

Top 10 AI Recruiting Tools in 2023: Free Assessment Software

AI recruiting tools have become indispensable, particularly in talent acquisition. These tools analyse and evaluate applicants using AI algorithms, providing objective insights into their suitability for roles.

Top 10 AI Recruiting Tools in 2023: Free Assessment Software

These tools are used by a diverse range of industries and organizations, spanning from corporate enterprises to educational institutions. Human resource departments within companies use these tools to efficiently sift through large volumes of job applications, identifying top candidates based on predetermined criteria. Educational institutions leverage AI screening to select the most promising students for their programs, while healthcare institutions streamline the process of selecting medical professionals. 

Essentially, any entity involved in candidate selection can benefit from the accuracy and efficiency that AI screening tools bring to the table.

Types of AI Recruiting Tools

Different AI screening tools cater to specific needs across industries. For instance, Resume Screening AI uses natural language processing to analyze resumes, extracting key information and cross-referencing it with job requirements for precise shortlisting. Video Interview Analysis employs AI algorithms to assess verbal and non-verbal cues, offering insights into communication skills of candidates. 

Personality and Behavioral Analysis delves into candidates’ traits through their digital footprint to help recruiters understand if they will fit into the company’s culture. Language Proficiency Evaluation ensures effective communication in global companies by scrutinizing candidates’ language skills. Cognitive Ability and Problem-Solving Tests identify top analytical minds, while Predictive Analytics Tools use historical data to understand the end-to-end recruitment process.

Social Media Screening analyze candidates’ social media profiles to identify any red flags, while Emotion Detection and Sentiment Analysis offer nuanced insights into candidates’ attitudes. Diversity and Inclusion Assessment tools combat bias by analyzing backgrounds.

Best AI Recruiting Tools

1. Humanly

1. Humanly

Humanly is an AI-powered recruitment tool that provides chatbot software for screening and scheduling potential candidates. The chatbot draws on Humanly’s library of role-specific conversational templates to ask candidates the right set of questions to get a holistic view of their skillset and background without adding bias.

The tool also analyzes a company’s existing engagement data and recommends pertinent culture-related questions they could be asking all to surface candidates that add to the company’s culture. Humanly uses predictive learning techniques to assess the potential long-term value of each candidate find employees that can positively impact organizations in the long run. 



2. HireVue

2. HireVue

Leveraging advanced AI and machine learning, HireVue offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to assess candidates’ skills, personality traits, and cultural fit through video interviews. This tool analyzes verbal and non-verbal cues, enabling recruiters to make more informed hiring decisions based on a holistic understanding of each candidate’s potential.

With HireVue, organizations can streamline their recruitment efforts by conducting remote video interviews, reducing time and logistical constraints. The platform’s AI capabilities not only evaluate candidates’ responses but also provide insights into their communication skills, emotional intelligence, and problem-solving abilities.



3. DevSkiller TalentScore

DevSkiller TalentScore is an AI-powered technical screening platform for hiring software developers. With a focus on skill-based evaluation, the platform offers more than 5,000 recruitment tasks and coding challenges mirroring real-life use cases that accurately gauge candidates’ coding abilities, problem-solving skills, and technical expertise. 

By using AI-driven code review and analysis, DevSkiller TalentScore provides recruiters with comprehensive insights into candidates’ capabilities to arrive at informed hiring decisions that align with a company’s technical requirements.



4. Pymetrics

Pymetrics is a soft skills platform that uses using data-driven behavioral insights and audited AI to create a more efficient, effective, and fair hiring process across the talent lifecycle. Grounded in neuroscience and behavioral science, Pymetrics leverages advanced algorithms to provide a unique and holistic understanding of candidates’ cognitive and emotional traits.

By combining cognitive games and assessments, the platform offers a comprehensive evaluation of candidates’ cognitive abilities, personality traits, and potential fit for specific roles.



5. Pipplet

Available in over 40 languages, Pipplet allows organizations to test potential candidates in the languages used in the workplace on a daily basis. Languages available for assessment include English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, as well as Finnish, Hebrew, Thai, Vietnamese and more.

According to Pipplet’s head of linguistics Miranda Knight, the platform’s proprietary Talent AI model was tested intensively in-house for over a year on hundreds of thousands of tests, by running it in parallel with evaluation by human examiners. Currently in beta, Talent AI can only evaluate candidates’ spoken and written skills in the English language.



6. TestGorilla

TestGorilla enables recruiters and hiring managers to evaluate candidates’ skills, cognitive abilities, and personality traits. The platform offers a test library of assessments spanning cognitive, problem-solving, technical, culture add, and soft skills. 

Created by industry experts, the assessments are peer-reviewed by other experts to ensure accuracy and effectiveness. The platform also uses feedback mechanisms and advanced statistical algorithms to improve their tests on an ongoing basis.



7. Skillate

Skillate is an AI recruitment platform that offers solutions including chatbot screening, resume parser, auto interview scheduler, job description assistant and predictive analytics that provides an in-depth analysis of the recruitment process within the company.

The platform provides comprehensive analytics and reports, covering essential metrics such as time to hire, recruiter activity, source quality, and candidate pipeline. The AI-driven job description assistant processes job descriptions in different formats, offering real-time recruiters. This feature enhances the creation of robust and detailed job descriptions, optimizing the hiring process. Additionally, Skillate’s JD analytics offers in-depth insights into the performance of diverse job descriptions for various openings within the organization. It categorizes JDs into Excellent, Average, and Poor, delivering granular information for strategic improvement.



8. Peopletrail

8. Peopletrail

A pre-employment background screening platform, Peopletrail offers a wide range of background screening services, ensuring thorough checks for criminal records, employment history, education verification, and more.

It uses AI to provide a comprehensive analysis of a candidate’s public social media posts. It conducts FCRA and EEOC-compliant social media background screening and analyses public posts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more. Its social media screening tool looks for professional misconduct; hate speech, bullying; illegal behavior, violence, and explicit online content that could potentially reflect sexual harassment in the workplace. 



9. Hume AI

9. Hume AI

Through its extensive array of AI models, along with datasets and an API, Hume AI’s offerings can be integrated into an organization’s recruitment procedures. These datasets are meticulously trained on vast quantities of fully-consented samples from across the globe.

Among its notable models are expressive language, facial expression, dynamic reaction, and sentiment analysis. Users can simply upload videos or audio for Hume AI’s technology to analyze and interpret human expressions, providing a comprehensive assessment of emotional cues.



10. Diversio

Diversio, an AI-powered platform, enables organizations to measure, enhance, and track diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. With features such as Diversity Data Collection, the platform gathers employee demographic data, aiding in tracking progress and identifying areas for targeted DEI efforts. Inclusion Surveys engage employees to share their experiences, guiding interventions for a more inclusive environment. 

The AI-driven Recommendation Engine detects unconscious bias in decisions, aligning choices with DEI goals. Diversio’s Benchmarking compares DEI performance against peers and national averages, and its Reporting function summarizes progress, providing a comprehensive toolset for meaningful change toward diverse and inclusive workplaces.



AI Screening Tools Cheatsheet


What are AI screening tools, and how do they work?

AI screening tools are advanced software applications that utilize artificial intelligence and machine learning to assess and evaluate candidates during the recruitment process. They help streamline hiring by automating various aspects, such as resume analysis, skill assessments, and even analyzing candidates’ behavioral cues in video interviews. These tools leverage AI algorithms to match candidates’ qualifications with job requirements, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of the hiring process.

Who can benefit from using AI screening tools?

AI screening tools are beneficial for a wide range of organizations, from small businesses to large enterprises. They are particularly useful for HR departments, recruiters, and hiring managers who aim to optimize their candidate evaluation processes. These tools cater to industries spanning technology, finance, healthcare, and more, making them versatile solutions for any organization seeking to improve their talent acquisition strategies.

What types of AI screening tools are available?

AI screening tools come in various types to address different recruitment needs. Some common types include:

  • Resume Screening AI: Analyzes resumes and matches candidate skills with job requirements.
  • Video Interview Analysis: Assesses candidates’ verbal and non-verbal cues during video interviews.
  • Skill Assessment Platforms: Administers and evaluates technical tests in areas like coding or data analysis.
  • Personality and Behavioral Analysis: Assesses candidates’ personality traits based on their digital footprint.
  • Cognitive Ability Tests: Measures problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
  • Predictive Analytics Tools: Analyzes historical data to predict candidates’ potential performance and longevity.
  • Diversity and Inclusion Assessment: Promotes inclusive hiring practices by analyzing candidates’ backgrounds.

How accurate are AI screening tools in candidate evaluation?

AI screening tools can offer highly accurate candidate evaluations when properly calibrated and maintained. However, their accuracy depends on factors such as the quality and diversity of the training data used to develop the algorithms. Bias detection and mitigation techniques are also crucial to ensure fairness and prevent algorithmic biases. Regular updates and monitoring are essential to maintain accuracy and align AI screening tools with an organization’s evolving needs.

Can AI screening tools replace human judgment in hiring?

While AI screening tools offer valuable efficiency and objectivity, they are not designed to replace human judgment entirely. Human involvement remains crucial for interpreting nuanced qualities, assessing cultural fit, and making final hiring decisions. AI screening tools should be seen as tools that assist and augment human decision-making, helping organizations make more informed and data-driven choices while ultimately respecting the unique qualities candidates bring to the table.


AI screening tools help organizations to streamline their candidate selection processes while minimizing human bias and subjectivity. From analyzing resumes to evaluating personality traits, these tools provide a holistic view of applicants, enabling recruiters to speed up the hiring process for their clients.

Source: mPost

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