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Meta Unveils Game-Changing Open-Source LLaMa-2-Chat with Unprecedented Performance

Meta Unveils Game-Changing Open-Source LLaMa-2-Chat with Unprecedented Performance

Meta has recently released a set of LLaMa-2-Chat models in various sizes. This release from the LLM department of GenAI has created a buzz in the industry.

Meta Unveils Game-Changing Open-Source LLaMa-2-Chat with Unprecedented Performance

LLaMa-2-Chat is a truly remarkable achievement created by the talented team at GenAI’s LLM department. With impressive parameters count of 70 billion, this model is comparable to and even outperforms the highly regarded GPT-3.5 on certain benchmarks.


The fact that LLaMa-2-Chat is the first model of its size to be fine-tuned using RLHF (Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback) makes it even more remarkable. In an unprecedented move, Meta has made this model completely free for commercial use. Those interested can request the download link from their official website.

One of the most significant advantages of LLaMa-2-Chat is its potential to create ChatGPT analogues without the need to share any data with OpenAI. This empowers developers and researchers to harness the power of the model while maintaining complete control over their data. You can download new model here.

In terms of human evaluation metrics, LLaMa-2-Chat stands shoulder-to-shoulder with ChatGPT-3.5 in terms of quality. Notably, it showcases exceptional performance on mathematical problems, outperforming other models in this domain.

Source: mPost

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